Old Testament Part III: One God, Two Powers, Three Persons

In this episode, we review the divine council then begin to discuss the Old Testament roots of the doctrine of the Trinity. We survey the ancient Near Eastern concept of a Divine Council and how the ancient Hebrews adapted elements of it. Next, we survey the Hebrew concept of “Two Powers in Heaven” where there are two distinct YHWHs, visible and invisible, depicted throughout the Tanakh. Lastly, we connect these ideas to Jesus of Nazareth as a foundation for Trinitarian thought.

Key Takeaways

  • The Tanakh doesn’t depict flat, unitarian monotheism
  • Divine plurality in the OT is not (always) crypto-Trinity
  • The Cloud Rider is YHWH is Jesus, signifying theological polemic against Ba’al

Outline: One God, Two Powers, Three Persons

Michael Heiser bibliography: http://www.thedivinecouncil.com/

Veritas Forum 2020 “God and/or Evolution?” is on Feb 20, 2020 at 7pm in Rudder Theatre. Featured speakers are Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass. Get free tickets at tx.ag/VERITAS2020

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