Topical Resources

New Testament Canon
Canon Revisited by Michael J. Kruger (2012) Book Amazon
The Question of the Canon by Michael J. Kruger (2013) Book Amazon
The Canon of Scripture by F.F. Bruce (1988) Book Amazon
 A Lecture on the Historic Evidence of the Authorship and Transmission of the Books of the New Testament by S.P. Tregelles (1852) eBook Google Books FREE!
 New Testament History and Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary Podcast iTunes
 New Testament Introduction from Dallas Theological Seminary Podcast iTunes
 The Canonization of the New Testament by Michael J. Kruger Podcast iTunes
The Origins of the New Testament Canon by Michael J. Kruger Podcast iTunes
 History of Christianity I from Reformed Theological Seminary Podcast iTunes
Introduction to New Testament History and Literature from Yale University Podcast  iTunesOpenYale

Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
“The Existence of God” Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by William Lane Craig & J.P. Moreland [Amazon]

“The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument” The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology by Alexander R. Pruss [Amazon] [WileyOnline]

“Existence of God” Defenders Podcast by William Lane Craig [Link]

“Leibnizian Cosmological Argument” by Maverick Christian [Link]

“The LCA” by J.W. Wartick [Link]

Historical Evidence for the Resurrection

Fine Tuning Argument

The Fine Tuning Argument from Reasonable Faith [Link]

A Full Defence of the Fine Tuning Argument by Calum Miller [Link]

The Teleological Argument: An Exploration of the Fine-Tuning of the Universe by Robin Collins [WileyOnline]

Ontological Argument

Nature of Necessity by Alvin Plantinga, 1977 [PDF]

A Valid Ontological Argument? by Alvin Plantinga, 1961 [PDF]

Kant’s Objection to the Ontological Argument by Alvin Plantinga, 1966 [PDF]

De Re et de Dicto by Alvin Plantinga, 1969 [PDF]

The Ontological Argument: From St. Anselm to Contemporary Philosophers by Alvin Plantinga and Richard Taylor [Amazon]

The Ontological Argument by Robert Maydole [WileyOnline]

The Proslogium by Anselm [PDF]