Before we jump into the discussion of the existence of miracles, we need to determine what a miracle is. Many different definitions could be proposed, but lets look at a few possibilities: Miracle: a violation of natural law (David Hume) Miracle: an event that cannot be explained by only natural causes […]
Natural Atheology
The Argument If an all-powerful and perfectly good God exists, then evil does not exist. There is evil in the world. Therefore, an all-powerful and perfectly good God does not exist. Or: God exists. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and perfectly good. A perfectly good being would want to prevent all […]
One of the often heard criticisms of the existence of God is that it somehow produced irreconcilable contradictions. These arguments range from the very simple to the very sophisticated, but most of them can be dealt with in a very straightforward manner. We will list a few: 1) Can God […]
Two Problems There is perhaps no stronger argument leveled against the existence of God than the existence of evil and suffering in the world. How could a good God allow suffering? Perhaps the strongest factor in the argument is not any logical problem, not any actual argument, but the pure […]