What about those that reject the Gospel? Is eternal punishment proper justice for finite sins? This video is from our 2021 Fall lecture series responding to Gospel Objections. Each week, we evaluate a common objection to the core message of Jesus. For more information and resources go to http://rc-tamu.org/gospel-objections Note: […]
Series: Think Theism
What happens to those that never hear the message of Jesus? Wouldn’t it be unfair of God to punish people for what they do not know? (Note: we had some audio difficulties with this recording. Audio from 0:00–0:59 is loud and audio at 20:00–22:00 is quiet). This video is from […]
An overview of the good news of the kingdom of God. This video is from our 2021 Fall lecture series responding to Gospel Objections. Each week, we evaluate a common objection to the core message of Jesus. For more information and resources go to http://rc-tamu.org/gospel-objections Note: This video has been […]
A review of the semester and overview of Plantinga’s account of warranted Christian belief. We’ve spent this semester discussing arguments and evidence for the truth of Christianity, but is this evidence *necessary* for warranted belief in God? This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & […]
An overview of the historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For handouts and slides […]
An overview of the historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For slides and handouts […]
Guest speaker Dr. Micah Green provides an overview of the contemporary philosophical problem of miracles and “Hume’s Abject Failure”. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God […]
An overview of the probabilistic problem of evil and several influential theodicies. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For handouts and […]
An overview of the logical problem of evil and Plantinga’s influential Free Will Defence. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For […]
An overview of the contemporary argument from morality for God. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For slides and handouts go […]
An overview of the contemporary argument from design for God. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For slides and handouts go […]
An overview of a classical cosmological argument for the existence of God. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For slides and […]
An introduction to apologetics and how to have conversations about faith in good faith. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For […]
Ben (our resident Catholic) discusses the seven books of the Deuterocanon (or Apocrypha), what they are, and why they are included in the Catholic Old Testament canon. N.B. While Ratio Christi at Texas A&M does not officially take a position on the canonical status of these books and many Protestants […]
We turn to the question of ancient Israelite religion. While we usually think of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism as the big three monotheistic religions, is the historical reality more complicated than that? Psalm 82 takes centre stage in a discussion of the unseen spiritual realm. Slides and video available at […]
We conclude our discussion on the question of Israelite origins by tackling the ethical objection to the Hebrew invasion of Canaan. Did God command genocide? How does Jesus influence our interpretation of these unnerving accounts? Slides and video available at http://rc-tamu.org/confronting-old-testament-controversy/