The question of Israelite origins remains one of the hottest debates amongst ancient historians. Did a massive Hebrew invasion force wipe out the Canaanites in the 15th/13th century B.C.? Is the entire military career of Joshua invented from thin air? Building off of the previous discussion of the exodus, we […]
Series: Think Theism
The Hebrew exodus from Egypt is the founding event both in Israel’s history as a people and the redemptive history of Christian faith. But, is there any evidence such an event occurred? We discuss the archaeological background, the major options for dates (early, late, and more), as well as different […]
We conclude our discussion on Genesis, creation, and evolution by addressing the controversy over the historical Adam & Eve. First, we outline the biblical data concerning Eve & Adam. Next, we survey the scientific data related to human origins. Lastly, we wrap up by integrating different interpretations of Eve & […]
Zach and Andrew casually chat about some loose threads from the Genesis and science meeting. They clear up some confusion about stellar parallax, discuss additional interpretations of the days of Genesis, and expand on the intelligent design movement.
We continue addressing the controversy on Genesis, creation, and evolution. In this episode, we focus on the scientific questions of (i) the age of the earth, (ii) common ancestry, and (iii) how life diversified. Next time, we will hone in on the question of Adam & Eve. Slides and video […]
Confronting Old Testament Controversy 2: We begin our discussion on creation, evolution, and Genesis by addressing the controversy over the genre of Genesis 1-11, aka the “Primeval History”. Andrew surveys the relevant literary categories and the debate over literalism, metaphor, and history. Slides and video available at
Confronting Old Testament Controversy 1: Zach discusses the text of the Old Testament (Tanakh) including the primary text types; the Septuagint, the Masoretic text as well as the most important manuscripts, including codex Leningradensis as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran. Next Zach discusses textual transmission and […]
Despite being the majority of the Bible, the Old Testament remains a difficult and sometime perplexing corpus of writing. With ancient laws, long histories, and confusing prophecies, we are often left wondering…what do we do with the Old Testament? We kick off our Fall 2020 semester with guest speaker Dr. […]
In this audio from the vault, Jace leads a conversation about what St. Paul meant by justification and how that influences our view of sin and Christs’s wo Subscribe to the Think Theism podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or Disclaimer: Think Theism is an independent podcast produced in association with Ratio Christi TAMU. The opinions, perspectives, and […]
Zach and Andrew interview Dr. Joshua Swamidass about his new book The Genealogical Adam & Eve which aims to show that a literal Adam & Eve is fully compatible with the contemporary evolutionary account of human origins. Video of the interview: Resources mentioned during or relevant to the episode […]
Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss some of the particulars of why neo-Darwinianism is no longer the reigning paradigm in contemporary evolutionary biology. Swamidass argues that the deficiencies intelligent design theorists point to have been acknowledged (and addressed) as early as the 1960s. In particular, […]
Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss Dr. Swamidass’s journey from young-earth creationism to “affirming evolutionary science”. We also address the role evolution has played in some high profile deconversions from Christianity. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 of our interview where we discuss […]
Zach and Andrew interview Dr. Michael J. Behe, professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University and Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. We discuss Dr. Behe’s work in the intelligent design movement with his book trilogy Darwin’s Black Box, Edge of Evolution, and Darwin Devolves. Next, […]
Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass debate evolution, intelligent design, and which way the evidence points.
Fr. Robert Verrill (Baylor University) joins us to discuss the implications of contemporary quantum theory with Thomistic metaphysics. The premise may seem bizarre. St. Thomas Aquinas (i) lived 700 years before the advent of quantum theory, (ii) believed in a geocentric cosmos, and (iii) believed that earth, air, fire, and […]
Andrew surveys a few different versions of the cosmological argument. Then, we discuss a particular version of the argument popularized by Gottfried Leibniz that tries to show that a necessary being who is the explanatory ground of being must exist. Notes can be found here: Cosmological Arguments Tickets for Veritas 2020 can be […]