On October 23, 2018 Matt Dillahunty debated John Ferrer on “Do We Need God for Morality?” Questions of right, wrong, good, and evil are some of the most profound. For many people, God plays the central role of Moral Lawgiver. With this comes the concern that unless God exists, ethics […]
Series: Think Theism
Dr. Green joins us again to discuss how to think clearly about the doctrine of inerrancy. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify RSS feed: http://rc-tamu.org/feed/podcast/think-theism
Zach chats with Dr. Robin Collins (Messiah College) about fine-tuning, creationism, God-guided evolution, the problem of evil, philosophy of mind, free will, and what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Most of the papers referenced in this interview are available at Dr. Collins’s website: http://home.messiah.edu/~rcollins/ Special thanks to RED-C Radio for […]
A wide ranging interview on evolution, fine-tuning, and philosophy of science with philosopher Dr. Joel Velasco of Texas Tech. Check out his website at joelvelasco.net
Dr. Gloria Frost discusses Aquinas’s response to the problem of evil. Part of the 2019 Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify RSS feed: http://rc-tamu.org/feed/podcast/think-theism
Tony Reinke (desiringgod.org) discusses how to maintain spiritual health and sanity in an age where digital devices and social media are clamoring for your attention. Part of the 2019 Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify RSS feed: http://rc-tamu.org/feed/podcast/think-theism
Robin Collins (Christian) & Joel Velasco (atheist) dialogue on whether cosmological fine-tuning is evidence for a divine designer. Part of the 2019 Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify RSS feed: http://rc-tamu.org/feed/podcast/think-theism
2018 Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University “What Do We Really Know About Right & Wrong?” – J. Budziszewski A noted thinker has warned about a ‘dictatorship of moral relativism.’ But some norms do vary according to circumstances (it would be wrong to drive on the right in England, wouldn’t it?) […]
In this interview, we talk with Catholic philosopher Dr. J. Budzisewski about everything from his journey out of atheism to Christianity, how to make moral political policy, and the natural laws of sex.
Materialism posits that all of reality can be reduced to a physical description of the dynamics of matter and energy. Such reductive scientific descriptions work quite well for most things, but what about mental states and mental activity? Even atheist philosophers like Thomas Nagel have argued that the existence of […]
We chat with Ryan Crews, founder-president of Oso Logos about apologetics at Baylor University and the argument from undesigned coincidences for the reliability of gospel narratives.
We chat with Glenn Smith of Ratio Christi National about what Ratio Christi is about and how to get involved. Also, some stuff about free will.
Husain Alshehhi is a graduate of Texas A&M and current chapter director of Ratio Christi at University of Texas. Before coming to Texas A&M, Husain was raised as a Muslim in the United Arab Emirates. In this interview, he tells his story of leaving his Islamic faith behind first in […]
RED-C Radio interviews Zach Lawson about his faith journey and work at Texas A&M with Ratio Christi.
Zach and Andrew return for the second round of Grill A Christian (Vol. 1 can be found here). The guys field open questions about topics from all over the map. As usual, things get pretty weird… subscibe: iTunes, RSS
October 2017 marks 500 years since the Protestant Reformation. We bring Catholics & Protestant Aggies to dialogue on scripture, faith, and freedom. Part 3: Free Will