October 2017 marks 500 years since the Protestant Reformation. We bring Catholics & Protestant Aggies to dialogue on scripture, faith, and freedom. Part 2: Sola Fide
Series: Think Theism
October 2017 marks 500 years since the Protestant Reformation. We bring Catholics & Protestant Aggies to dialogue on scripture, faith, and freedom. Part 1: Sola Scriptura
In the Season 2 finale, Zach & Andrew sit down to talk with Dr. Neal Audenaert, Texas A&M Class of ‘01. Neal has worked on a wide range of projects in computer science and digital humanities such as the Special Divine Action Project sponsored by the Templeton Foundation. He is […]
Zach and Andrew field open questions to wrap up Spring 2017. Topics include God’s relationship to time, Old Testament weirdness, baptism, and the nature of the afterlife.
A Bahá’í and Christian dialogue on the nature of humanity’s spiritual relationship with science. About: “Here Am I” in spiritual writings, or as Christ said it: “I Am”, is our gateway to a scientific and spiritual investigation of the nature of consciousness and its significance in spiritual teachings. Simple review of Einstein’s theory of relativity […]
In this episode from the vault, noted Christian philosopher and apologist Dr. William Lane Craig is interviewed about his contributions to the field, particularly his work on the Kalam cosmological argument, as well as a variety of other topics in the Q&A. The audio is from The Veritas Forum 2013. […]
In this guest talk, Rob Reed discusses Divine Command Theory and the question of whether or not it makes morality arbitrary. He considers the way the Euthyphro dilemma is commonly posed and shows that when we take DCT to be a theory of obligation and not a general theory of […]
Imam Islam Mossaad guest lectures on the Islamic conception of divine attributes, comparing and contrasting with Christian concepts.
On March 30, 2017, Ratio Christi was privileged to host Dr. Paul A Nelson of the Discovery Institute. Why don’t dead cells come back to life? “Because they’re dead!” is the obvious answer, sometimes followed by “what a stupid question” – but the obvious answer conceals a remarkable fact. The […]
Zach and Andrew talk with Dr. Paul Nelson about creationism, intelligent design, and Illustra Media’s new movie Origin.
In this episode of Think Theism, Zach and Andrew discuss the origins of the Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Were they copied or written independently? What’s this “Q” document? Does it matter?
Zach and Andrew sit down with Dr. Luke Barnes after the A Fortunate Universe talk to discuss life, the universe, and everything Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify
The planets, stars and galaxies that fill the night sky obey elegant mathematical patterns: the laws of nature. Why does our Universe obey these particular laws? As a clue to answering this question, scientists have asked a related question: what if the laws were slightly different? What if it had […]
On February 2, 2017 Ratio Christi was privileged to host Dr. Andra Gillespie for the 2017 Veritas Forum "Christianity & Racial Justice: Does God Care? Do We Care?"