We conclude our discussion on Genesis, creation, and evolution by addressing the controversy over the historical Adam & Eve. First, we outline the biblical data concerning Eve & Adam. Next, we survey the scientific data related to human origins. Lastly, we wrap up by integrating different interpretations of Eve & […]
genealogical adam and eve
Zach and Andrew interview Dr. Joshua Swamidass about his new book The Genealogical Adam & Eve which aims to show that a literal Adam & Eve is fully compatible with the contemporary evolutionary account of human origins. Video of the interview: https://youtu.be/HKZxPXiF9rA Resources mentioned during or relevant to the episode […]
Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss some of the particulars of why neo-Darwinianism is no longer the reigning paradigm in contemporary evolutionary biology. Swamidass argues that the deficiencies intelligent design theorists point to have been acknowledged (and addressed) as early as the 1960s. In particular, […]
Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss Dr. Swamidass’s journey from young-earth creationism to “affirming evolutionary science”. We also address the role evolution has played in some high profile deconversions from Christianity. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 of our interview where we discuss […]
Dr. Michael Behe and Dr. Joshua Swamidass debate evolution, intelligent design, and which way the evidence points.