Would the discovery of extraterrestrial life send Christianity to the dustbin of history? This video is from our 2021 Fall lecture series responding to Gospel Objections. Each week, we evaluate a common objection to the core message of Jesus. For more information and resources go to http://rc-tamu.org/gospel-objections Note: This video […]
Jesus famously said “this generation shall not pass away until all these things come to pass”. After 2000 years, and many dead generations later, is it time to stop waiting? This video is from our 2021 Fall lecture series responding to Gospel Objections. Each week, we evaluate a common objection […]
The core message of the gospel is that Jesus died for the sins of the world. Does this make any sense at all? This video is from our 2021 Fall lecture series responding to Gospel Objections. Each week, we evaluate a common objection to the core message of Jesus. For […]
An overview of the historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For handouts and slides […]
An overview of the historical evidence for the existence of Jesus. This video is from our 2021 Spring lecture series covering Natural Theology & the Truth of Christianity. Each week, we evaluate the classical arguments for and against the existence of God and truth of Christianity. For slides and handouts […]
Part 1 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss Dr. Swamidass’s journey from young-earth creationism to “affirming evolutionary science”. We also address the role evolution has played in some high profile deconversions from Christianity. Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 of our interview where we discuss […]
In this episode, we review the divine council then begin to discuss the Old Testament roots of the doctrine of the Trinity. We survey the ancient Near Eastern concept of a Divine Council and how the ancient Hebrews adapted elements of it. Next, we survey the Hebrew concept of “Two Powers […]
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Says the apostle Paul, if Christ has not been raised, you are dead in your sins and your faith is in vain. The historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus has played a chief role in Christian apologetics, as […]
Zach chats with Dr. Robin Collins (Messiah College) about fine-tuning, creationism, God-guided evolution, the problem of evil, philosophy of mind, free will, and what Jesus accomplished on the cross. Most of the papers referenced in this interview are available at Dr. Collins’s website: http://home.messiah.edu/~rcollins/ Special thanks to RED-C Radio for […]
First, we ought not disregard the historical value of the New Testament. Within the New Testament we have at least eight independent authors confirming the outline of the life of Jesus. However, there are also many sources that tell us about the life of Jesus of Nazareth and the beliefs […]