Zach and Andrew return for the second round of Grill A Christian (Vol. 1 can be found here). The guys field open questions about topics from all over the map. As usual, things get pretty weird… subscibe: iTunes, RSS
Zach and Andrew field open questions to wrap up Spring 2017. Topics include God’s relationship to time, Old Testament weirdness, baptism, and the nature of the afterlife.
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works. – Stephen Hawking Religion is a culture of faith, science is a culture of doubt. – Richard Feynman The apparent conflict between science and religion […]
One of the most misunderstood doctrines of Christianity is that of the Trinity, and not only by non-believers; most Christians have difficulty explaining the doctrine. We will not here undergo a complete explanation and defense of the Trinity. Instead we will tackle the simpler question: Is the trinity a contradiction? […]
One of the often heard criticisms of the existence of God is that it somehow produced irreconcilable contradictions. These arguments range from the very simple to the very sophisticated, but most of them can be dealt with in a very straightforward manner. We will list a few: 1) Can God […]
Definitions Natural Theology – the enterprise of providing reasons and arguments for the existence of God independent of Scripture A Posteriori – arguments dependent on experience or empirical evidence Cosmological Arguments – facts about the universe Teleological Arguments – evidences for design Historical Arguments – evidence from the past A Priori – arguments […]
Introduction This argument is based upon an argument originally proposed by the famous mathematician and Christian apologist Gottfried Leibniz. It is a type of cosmological argument that does not invoke the beginning of the universe, but rather the explanatory structure of the universe. Definitions Necessity: A being’s existence is metaphysically […]
Introduction Cosmological arguments are a family of arguments attempting to show that the universe requires a first cause or sufficient reason (see: Lebnizian Contingency argument) to explain its existence. The form of the argument we will deal with is espoused by W. L. Craig and began in the 3rd and 4th […]