Ben (our resident Catholic) discusses the seven books of the Deuterocanon (or Apocrypha), what they are, and why they are included in the Catholic Old Testament canon. N.B. While Ratio Christi at Texas A&M does not officially take a position on the canonical status of these books and many Protestants […]
3 posts
Fr. Robert Verrill (Baylor University) joins us to discuss the implications of contemporary quantum theory with Thomistic metaphysics. The premise may seem bizarre. St. Thomas Aquinas (i) lived 700 years before the advent of quantum theory, (ii) believed in a geocentric cosmos, and (iii) believed that earth, air, fire, and […]
In this interview, we talk with Catholic philosopher Dr. J. Budzisewski about everything from his journey out of atheism to Christianity, how to make moral political policy, and the natural laws of sex.