Andrew surveys a few different versions of the cosmological argument. Then, we discuss a particular version of the argument popularized by Gottfried Leibniz that tries to show that a necessary being who is the explanatory ground of being must exist. Notes can be found here: Cosmological Arguments Tickets for Veritas 2020 can be […]
William Lane Craig
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Says the apostle Paul, if Christ has not been raised, you are dead in your sins and your faith is in vain. The historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus has played a chief role in Christian apologetics, as […]
In this episode from the vault, noted Christian philosopher and apologist Dr. William Lane Craig is interviewed about his contributions to the field, particularly his work on the Kalam cosmological argument, as well as a variety of other topics in the Q&A. The audio is from The Veritas Forum 2013. […]
Introduction The moral argument is one of a family of arguments attempt to show that the existence of God is plausible given some basic beliefs (These arguments are called “transcendental arguments” – these are arguments that try to show that some propositions X are necessary conditions for Y). This argument shows […]
Introduction This argument is based upon an argument originally proposed by the famous mathematician and Christian apologist Gottfried Leibniz. It is a type of cosmological argument that does not invoke the beginning of the universe, but rather the explanatory structure of the universe. Definitions Necessity: A being’s existence is metaphysically […]
Introduction Cosmological arguments are a family of arguments attempting to show that the universe requires a first cause or sufficient reason (see: Lebnizian Contingency argument) to explain its existence. The form of the argument we will deal with is espoused by W. L. Craig and began in the 3rd and 4th […]