In this episode, we review the divine council then begin to discuss the Old Testament roots of the doctrine of the Trinity. We survey the ancient Near Eastern concept of a Divine Council and how the ancient Hebrews adapted elements of it. Next, we survey the Hebrew concept of “Two Powers […]
Series: Think Theism
In the previous episode, we discussed the material of the Old Testament (aka Tanakh or Hebrew Bible). This time, we will be moving on to discuss the higher level conceptual world of the Ancient Near East and its influence on the biblical authors. Specifically, we look at the idea of […]
We provide an overview of the material elements related to the composition & formation of the Old Testament, then discuss how this shapes our understanding of inspiration. Overall structure of the Old Testament Key events in history of Israel Important textual witnesses What JEDP means Outline: RC Old Testament Outline Veritas […]
Thanks for your support this year! The 2020 Veritas Forum will be on February 20, 2020 in Rudder Theatre at 7pm. Sign up for free tickets here: Sign up for the mailinglist: If you’d like to support Ratio Christi financially, consider donating at Listen on Apple Podcasts […]
The authority of the Bible is central to Christianity. Human authors were carried along by the Holy Spirit to provide the written revelation of God. Many Christians believe that God, being Truth itself, could not inspire a collection of documents containing any error, thus, leading to the idea of biblical […]
What has Jerusalem to do with Yosemite? Guest Speaker Dr. Robert Garcia discusses environmental ethics and how Christian approaches may have unique insights in the often heated debate. To make the question most poignant, Dr. Garcia focuses in on the question of if/when it is acceptable to eat animals and what obligations […]
Zach and Andrew interview Dr. Michael G. Strauss, professor of physics at the University of Oklahoma, about his book The Creator Revealed: A Physicist Examines the Big Bang and the Bible. In the first half of the conversation, we discuss scientific evidence for the existence of God from (i) big […]
Religion and science have been often viewed as incompatible. However, recent scientific discoveries about our universe and planet have led many to reconsider God. In this talk, Dr. Michael G. Strauss surveys three lines of scientific evidence that point towards a Creator: (i) the origin of our universe, (ii) the […]
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Says the apostle Paul, if Christ has not been raised, you are dead in your sins and your faith is in vain. The historical argument for the resurrection of Jesus has played a chief role in Christian apologetics, as […]
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” claims Jesus. But what about those that never hear about the way, truth, and life? C.S. Lewis reflected deeply on this question and offered a few interesting perspectives. Dr. Robert K. Garcia is […]
This short bonus episode features audio from a meeting we did in 2017 on the textual reliability of the New Testament.
While there are numerous arguments for the existence of God, most believers accept theism independent of sophisticated arguments and evidence. Are these theists irrational? In this episode, Zach discusses the idea of Reformed Epistemology developed by Alvin Plantinga who argues Christian believers can be warranted independent of evidence. The core thesis is that […]
Jared Oliphint, Ph.D. student in the Texas A&M Philosophy Dept., joins us for a fun conversation about abstract objects and how it relates to theism. The problem is motivated by an inconsistent triad of propositions, formulated by Greg Welty: Abstract objects (AOs) exist. If AOs exist, they are dependent on God. […]
In this meeting, Ben discusses the diversity of early Christians and if that poses an objection to the concept of “orthodoxy”. Resources referenced include Orthodoxy & Heresy in Earliest Christianity by Walter Bauer The Heresy of Orthodoxy by Michael Kruger Lost Christianities by Bart D. Ehrman The Christian Tradition: A History of the […]
A talk on the limits of artificial intelligence with Dr. Robert Marks. For more, check out
This episode is a rehost of RED-C Roundup. Subscribe at On Wednesday, March 6, 2019, host Dcn. Mike Beauvais spoke with two guests to Texas A&M University for the Veritas Forum sponsored by the Christian Faculty Network and the Catholic Faculty and Staff Network on campus. The Veritas Forum brings […]