Zach and Andrew interview Dr. Joshua Swamidass about his new book The Genealogical Adam & Eve which aims to show that a literal Adam & Eve is fully compatible with the contemporary evolutionary account of human origins. Video of the interview: Resources mentioned during or relevant to the episode […]
think theism
Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Joshua Swamidass. We discuss some of the particulars of why neo-Darwinianism is no longer the reigning paradigm in contemporary evolutionary biology. Swamidass argues that the deficiencies intelligent design theorists point to have been acknowledged (and addressed) as early as the 1960s. In particular, […]
In this episode, we review the divine council then begin to discuss the Old Testament roots of the doctrine of the Trinity. We survey the ancient Near Eastern concept of a Divine Council and how the ancient Hebrews adapted elements of it. Next, we survey the Hebrew concept of “Two Powers […]
In the previous episode, we discussed the material of the Old Testament (aka Tanakh or Hebrew Bible). This time, we will be moving on to discuss the higher level conceptual world of the Ancient Near East and its influence on the biblical authors. Specifically, we look at the idea of […]
We provide an overview of the material elements related to the composition & formation of the Old Testament, then discuss how this shapes our understanding of inspiration. Overall structure of the Old Testament Key events in history of Israel Important textual witnesses What JEDP means Outline: RC Old Testament Outline Veritas […]
The authority of the Bible is central to Christianity. Human authors were carried along by the Holy Spirit to provide the written revelation of God. Many Christians believe that God, being Truth itself, could not inspire a collection of documents containing any error, thus, leading to the idea of biblical […]
On October 23, 2018 Matt Dillahunty debated John Ferrer on “Do We Need God for Morality?” Questions of right, wrong, good, and evil are some of the most profound. For many people, God plays the central role of Moral Lawgiver. With this comes the concern that unless God exists, ethics […]